Member Anniversaries

Member Anniversaries

From September thru October 2020, we want to celebrate some special anniversaries of our members. We have one member celebrating 30 years with their LeTip Chapter, three members celebrating 25 years, and 40 members celebrating milestones from 10 – 20 years: Pat...
Member Spotlight: Ken Mays

Member Spotlight: Ken Mays

How I found my networking home Four years ago, Ruy Garcia-Zamor, the incoming president of the Howard County Maryland Chapter of LeTip , invited me to attend a LeTip meeting. I said I wasn’t interested. After 34 years running a website development and Internet...
LeTip of Las Vegas, NV

LeTip of Las Vegas, NV

The LeTip of Las Vegas, NV chapter has a portion of their members that fall under the category of high risk for COVID. Understandably, when COVID first hit there was resistance in doing Zoom meetings. However, as time passed, the chapter agreed that it was necessary...
Connecting with Lost Customers

Connecting with Lost Customers

This is one of the toughest business environments that we will all ever face. I know we said that in 2000, when the economy went into recession and again in 2009 when we had the worst recession since the Great Depression. The difference with this one is that you are...