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LeTip of Las Vegas, NV

Oct 19, 2020 | Articles, Featured Chapter

The LeTip of Las Vegas, NV chapter has a portion of their members that fall under the category of high risk for COVID. Understandably, when COVID first hit there was resistance in doing Zoom meetings. However, as time passed, the chapter agreed that it was necessary to continue to meet and keep business happening. Attendance and moral improved as time went on. The meetings follow the LeTip structure and it’s great to see business still being passed between members. The chapter went from surviving to thriving!
LeTip of Las Vegas was founded in 1993, making this year their 27th year of networking. Dr. Dan Rutz, Chiropractor, is the longest tenured member in the chapter, joining within four months of the chapter launching. He is the third longest standing member in Nevada and has helped the chapter grow and flourish. The chapter’s key to success is really valuing each other both professionally, and personally. As we know, relationships are everything.
With the appearance of the Nevada COVID cases stabilizing, chapter members proposed an in person social mixer for those that were comfortable. Chapter President, Harvey Blankfeld, hosted the event with about 12 members (in compliance with the Governor’s mandated guidelines). It was a nice break from the virtual Zoom world and great way to share some laughs. Chapter Vice President, Pablo DiBello, has been a driving force to the membership and an outstanding recruiter in his short time with the chapter. The Chapter is motivated to continue to pass business and look for growth.
“We see the value in LeTip and believe it’s strength is in its structure!” – Chapter President, Harvey Blankfeld