Why does LeTip hold Power Events?
LeTip is about building relationships that become the referral leaders for your business. We do that every week in our chapter meetings. We do it every so often when we visit other chapters that don’t have our Category. How and why do we do it in Power Event?
Power Events were created for three reasons. First to bring together chapters from a certain geographic region to meet and expand business opportunity with each other. Second to showcase the LeTip community to other businesses seeking to find a networking group. And third to hone your 30 second commercial.
In some regions attendance at Power Events is mandatory, while in others it is optional. Why should you choose to attend a Power Event in your region? Sharing of best practices for showboating, growth and tipping is commonplace in LeTip Network Training Seminars and Board of Director Training Seminars, but members who have been in for two, five or ten years sometimes get complacent within their chapter and forget that they need to always be improving their sales pitch to their Chapter Member (their sales force). Seeing how other members showboat, speaking with other chapters about their best practices and starting new relationships are the baseline of what a Power Event does for those that attend.
The secondary reason to attend a Power Event is to showcase LeTip to your business associates who aren’t ready to join. Washington Power Events were a hotbed for recruiting new members with hundreds of guests attending and not only closing on business with Showboaters, but making decisions to join, which leads to more business within your chapter. Invite your business suppliers to the Power Event. They can come up for the entire event or just one day. If attending the entire event, make sure that you have time set up with them and multiple members of your chapter. Don’t assume that they will know how to Network. They haven’t joined LeTip, so they might not know how. Show them the benefits of networking and have your Chapter members all carrying Escrow Tip sheets that they can write up when they meet a guest and let them know that business could be waiting for them when they join. Invite your business associates that aren’t near your chapter, but are close to another chapter. This is a great opportunity for you to socialize with them, while introducing them to the other Chapter. This is a great opportunity to move yourself towards your Gold Badge (and lifetime free membership).
The third major reason to attend your Power Event is the opportunity to hone your 30 second commercial. One of the top 5 reasons to join LeTip is to become a better public speaker. Your commercial is paramount to your growth as a business. Not only inside of your LeTip chapter, but every day in your interactions with customers, suppliers, and the random person in line at the movies where you only have a short period of time to network at your best. Your chapter meeting is the place where you practice every week. Now, at the power Event, is your opportunity to put that practice into rapid fire usage. You will meet an interact with dozens, even hundreds on members where you can use your public speaking skills to pitch your 30 second commercial. This will make your pitch that much stronger when you are out in public at Chamber events, tradeshows or in any larger crowd where the focus isn’t 100% on you at the table.
Some ideas about Showboating at a Power Event…
You need an arena to showcase your business, meet and make new alliances and by all means have the opportunity to become enthusiastic about the world around you. We all need to be self-motivated but how do we go about doing that? You need to find the opportunities.
A power event provides that opportunity. I would highly recommend getting involved. Are you allowed to showcase your business? Grab it! The more people can see what you do visually the more business you are apt to receive. It allows you to share with others even in the same industry. There is no competition if you are good at what you do but it is a great chance to see what others are doing and shows you at the top of your game or gives you a view as to how to become better at your sharing your business. Be flamboyant. Make it attractive to look at. Does it tell people immediately what you do? It should. I suggest you put up a question…make the question on the outside and they have to lift up the flap to get to the answer. Once you see them lifting the flap, you have them. You now have permission to speak about your business and get the observer involved.
Some ideas about Networking at a Power Event…
When at a power event, you should mingle with everyone there. I encourage you to take business cards, make notes on them if they are a return email kind of prospect. I actually place a number of 1 through 10 on my cards. The 5 and under cards go in the left pocket and the 6 and over go in the right pocket. They are each important to me but for different reasons. If you are in the 6 and above I will be making contact with you within 24 hours. YOU are a connector, a highly qualified prospect or a person I need a service or product from. The five and under cards are not in those areas yet but may become one of the previous mentioned. I put them into my data base to send them information about my business as I move through my weeks. It helps to create recognition and begins to build relationships with people so when they are ready, you need assistance from them for just want to have a source to go to it is readily available and they know who you are!
LeTip’s first multi-day Power Event. How do I justify the time?
Why should I go for two and a half days or longer? You want to be seen. You want to get involved. You want to go to breakout sessions to learn with the best in your industry and share best practices. We only get better when we share and uplift others. What do you know that someone else doesn’t? Can you help them through a dilemma that you have already faced? Talk about it. Make coffee dates with new people. Ask questions and find out how they can help you and vice versa.
In LeTip we all share the same core values, Integrity, Loyalty, Passion, Commitment, Accountability and Excellence. What a great time to be part of an organization willing to get together and build those life long relationships. Is it important for your business? Is it meaningful for you to meet others who may change your life? Plan to attend our first ever 3 day event (actually two full days put into three). Stay for the entire event, go to the breakouts, see others recognized for excellence, eat meals with other LeTip members and help build our community even stronger!
I personally look forward to seeing you in Atlantic City in October! Are you going to be there? Let’s have coffee.
To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here
Kim Marie Branch-Pettid
(800) 495-3847
Over 40 Years of helping build businesses just like yours, everyday of the week.