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Prepare & Adapt!

Jan 3, 2023 | Articles, Networking Tips

Change: No one likes it, but it is inevitable.

It’s the beginning of a new year and with it will come change. There are many portrayals of life in the holiday movies we saw over the past two months. Whether it was “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “The Holiday”, “Miracle of 34th Street”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” or “Home Alone”, everyone faced some type of change that led them to a better place. For all of us small business owners, there are two words…

Prepare & Adapt!

Here are just a few of the things that have either helped you prepare or adapt over the last two years:

186 hours of Training Offered, 28 Blogs from Kim Marie, 32 Member Profiles and 28 Chapter Profiles in Communicare, 31 Business Networking Articles on, 262 Facebook posts to share, 2,662 new members who joined, 90 new Silver badge members and 22 new Gold Badge members who helped your chapter grow, 125 New Chapter Presidents leading, 90,091 Outside tips passed in Wired to expand your customer base, and 14,227 guest invited to your chapters.

In this month’s Member Spotlight, Joy Huntsman helps you think through how to change from New Years’ Resolutions to creating powerful Intentions to help you prepare and adapt to the changes that are inevitable in 2023.

We thank you for all you have done for us and for all your chapter members in 2022 (and for those longer time members, all that you have done dating back to 1981). Share the pride that we have in you with each other in this New Year and we will all benefit from doing things the LeTip way

Give, Get, Grow… Repeat!

Here is a sampling from our end of year survey that you participated in.

If you could send one member of your LeTip chapter a “thank you” who would it be and why?

It would be to Scott Jones. He never fails me, he is as loyal as the day is long and I can always count on him to get it done. He is the rock! I would thank each member of the tam that is why we are a team and it couldn’t happen without all of them!
Alissa Bickar for stepping up for membership
Frank Lind for his ongoing, relenting support.
John Chuneftsky
Mitch Brendle
Paul Short, our business /personal coach and current president. I am so pleased that he accepted the role as president after my four years, and I am SO VERY PROUD of the job he has done!
The person that invited me to the group, becauae the group is so important.
Rick Millham. He invited me to the chapter and provided the Tip for the only client I signed based on a Tip.
Todd Schaefer because he does such a good job
Rick Bambino Sentinal General Contracting for all the work he has sent to me,
Lorainne Lang for bringing me into the group
Linda Rogers she does everything for our group keeps everyone on their toes and makes sure we are ready for every meeting
Casey Noble – Has been the most supportive Since I joined the chapter. When I was looking for opportunity he offered me a position, Trained me and has always provided support and now that I have launched my new business his company has become a power partner providing new jobs monthly.
Kim – She’s helped our chapter grow more than anyone else.
Mark Peko – for keeping everything in perspective….. the good… the bad… the ugly!
Sonia Benson for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and for persevering to lead our chapter in spite of many member challenges
Jean Landes – for stepping up to be president
Sandi Weaver
Giuseppe Masonry for being a loyal customer.
Carl Kosola – always gives 110% to the chapter
Brian Kirby. Great VP of chapter
Matt Stucchio, our President. He has done a great job running out group, and promoting our members, including me!
I’ve been thinking for 20 minutes staring at this question and it’s impossible to answer. I do business with every single one of them and interact as well. I value every member of our chapter and to attempt to single just one of them out is very difficult. I’d like to thank all of them, especially those that stuck with LeTip through the pandemic and all the virtual meetings, venue changes and uncertainty…very trying times. I would, however, like to thank Kim Marie for her encouragement to start this chapter back in 2018 and Summer who has held our hand though the process…Thank you ladies!!
Scott McCray – always the voice of wisdom mixed with humor and wit, just a great guy to have at the helm.
Grant Romancia – Been very nice to me
Tracy Warr, as she takes the time to talk to and educate her clients about the importance of being properly insured and having them talk with me about the best options available for them. She goes out of her way to promote me and my business and for that I am extremely thankful!
Tobin Collard/Collard Roofing/ Past President/ . He makes sure to give me leads and keep the rules for all members.
Craig Wilner, our banker, has sent me more outside leads than any other member.
Summer Middleton
Too hard to say… Many have been great.financially, friendship wise and like family
Thomas Haberlack Esq because he is just a pleasure.
Bill Stanton. He has been there for me as my VP and he’s been a good person for me to Bounce stuff off. A good mentor for me.
Shawn Green because is very supportive
Chad for being so welcoming
Neil Roth – he convinced me to try a product he represents and it has made a huge difference to me and my family
President Chris Demay. He has given me business, helped me find a new office location, and he has excelled in his role as president of LeTip of Reno. As problems arise Chris asks seasoned members for advice and handles all issues promptly and professionally.
David Rathgeb. Our “founding father” who continually steps up to the plate to provide leadership and address the “business concerns” of our chapter.
Joseph Mihalick
I wouldn’t single out only one. There are several that support my services that I can always count on.
All of my LeTip family deserve a thank you for being an inspiration to me and my company, but Eric Mason is a new member who has sent me a lot of qualified leads this year and deserves some recognition.
Troy Broyles. For taking ownership of the the VP position.
Alfonse Molino for keeping my staff well fed during tax season & throughout the year
Suzy Leslie President for always being positive and a strong leader
David Agtsteribbe for his dynamic presence.
The member that introduced me to the group; tips are flowing nicely from most members
Diana Hoff (no Longer a member) but used my services for 2 websites and print media.
Scott Wilson because he improved our printing and is consistent in quality. Using him for our printing needs, our business has increased by 20%. In addition, he has always been supportive of my business.
William Grundman- I just joined a few months ago and me being a lot older than most of the group
I was very hesitant about joining. He sat next to me and explained what was going on as the meeting progressed.
Joan Dorazio, Esq.
Martin Lopez
Brandon Cronkhite, because I’m a mentor to him and he listens to me!
John he was the one who introduced me to LeTip
I can’t select just one member. As President I get so much help from many members.
Siavosh Ardalan. While I was considering becoming a mortgage broker, he was also the one who encouraging me to move faster.
Allison Duine – our VP is rockin it with the tips and she is always on top of what is happening with our chapter.
Connie Curci – She has put in a lot of hard work and brought in the most new members.
Richelle Gall my VP she stepped up to run the chapter while I was on maternity leave for 60 days
Jeff Liebig…trusted me with a nice little case
Matt Casselli – Leadreship
Steve Nagel of A2Z Home Inspections. We are natural power partners and pass a lot of business back and forth between us.
Tim Wignot for introducing me to the chapter.
Lauren Spencer Realtor — her consistency demonstrated– knowledge base — and her longevity in the business and in LeTip.
Alex Sanchez
Andee Sapier for sharing suggested language to close prospects in the pipeline
Alex Platacis-He is constantly working to improve the chapter
Brad MacLay for the work
Our board & officers
Steve Fink asked me to reenlist
To VP Dean Provence for always being in action, showing up and making my term as President very smooth.
Gary the carpet guy
Our painter, Joel
Elizabeth Marks goes above and beyond. Always takes notes at someone’s presentation so she can do the recap the next week and does an excellent job with our social media.
Martha Morrison
Rebecca Smith. I would let her know how much I appreciate her and her enthusiasm.
Linda Rogers – she always has her hand raised to volunteer. Without her, our chapter would have serious challenges getting things accomplished.
All of them
Beau Palmer, for leading the group every week so well.
Jud Matthey – He became one of my first clients 🙂
Dag Haraldson for his inspirational manner
Terry Mills; he takes initiative does not way to be ask for help. His optimism radiates positive energy into the group. He gives to others every opportunity he gets.
Maria Diaz for inviting me!
Chris DeMay our President is doing a fantastic job.
Joe Panepresso for multiple tips
Brian Singer
Eric, he gave us a lot of referrals
Latoya Caton
Lenny Saboro
Sherree Schell. Thanks for being a dependable member.
Our recently retired member, Steve Gray, internationally recognized realtor
within the US Letip community