In my work as a coach, I have found it universally true that most of the struggles people face in their business lives are based simply on a story they tell themselves. Yeah, we have lots of evidence that our problems are more complicated than that but it’s true. The good news is I can show you how you use those stories to turn your thinking around so you stop stopping yourself from the success you are seeking.
Since the dawn of mankind, the human brain was wired to constantly be looking out for dangerous situations to keep us alive. This was very important when there were saber tooth tigers living outside of our caves but today, even with most of those dangers gone, our brains still look at every action we take as potentially life-threatening.
Like an overprotective mother, the brain injects feelings of fear into anything we do that is new or risky. It starts playing these little movies, showing us tragic endings to any risk we want to take. Want to expand your business? Grow your income? That’s great! But uh-oh, there’s a mind movie showing how it all comes crashing down and now you’re homeless living on the streets. You decide not to try anything new and another great idea thwarted by your overprotective mind.
So how do you fix this? Remember these three Truths of Success:
1) Your fears exist in a future that only has a 10% chance of happening.
Think about it. How often do your fears really come true? Hardly ever. Yet we act like our fear is the most reliable thing in the world. Keep in mind all the obstacles you have already. You have already proven to yourself that you can handle any unforeseen problems.
2) Don’t trust your feelings.
This isn’t about trusting your gut. It’s about the fact that your feelings have the mind of an eight-year-old. Your feelings bounce from one idea to another without much logic behind them. Instead, trust your previous accomplishments. Put faith in your ability to overcome difficult situations.
3) Would you please be nice to yourself?
If I could put any single idea into the brain of every person on the planet, it would be for everyone to be a little nicer to themselves. Lots of people talk about living life fearlessly but they don’t understand what they are really afraid of. Mostly they fear the shame and judgment they hurl upon themselves when they make a mistake. If you want to turn off your mind movies, try going easy on yourself when you feel like you screwed up! The bottom line is this, right now you are the biggest roadblock to your own success. Sadly, you can’t fix this problem with a great social media strategy or by going skydiving. Try applying Three Rules of Success every day. I have done this with all my clients and I know it works. Further, if you’d like to get help from someone who knows how to switch off your mind movies, hit me up. I love watching my clients stop stopping themselves from success and start living into the future they truly want. I know I can help you too.
Please click the link below and schedule a no-cost consultation with me and let’s start creating a new vision for your future as well.
Guest blog written by Dan Gordon
Executive Coach & Speaker at Dan Gordon Enterprise
To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here
Kim Marie Branch-Pettid
(800) 495-3847
Over 40 Years of helping build businesses just like yours, everyday of the week.