LeTip of Toronto is an up and coming chapter that we at the corporate office are wishing great success. Kim Marie, LeTip’s CEO, got to visit their chapter in early 2019 and had a wonderful time meeting the warm and welcoming members within their group. We can’t wait to see how they grow as a chapter.
“Launched at the beginning of 2019, LeTip of Toronto has a goal in mind to become the largest chapter in Canada. We believe Networking is an important part of our business growth. We are dedicated, successful business owners, constantly prospecting for like minded professionals to add to our group. We don’t just “recruit” new business owners, we qualify them for “quality” members.
With the support of the LeTip international platform, LeTip of Toronto members believe that, just like a business, a referral group will work if work is being put in. And work has not stopped this energetic bunch from adding 7 new amazing business owners members within the past 3 months.
LeTip of Toronto is truly open to business!”
LeTip is always looking to help more small business owners. Maryam Eshagh, our Area Rep for Toronto area, is doing a great job inviting and connecting people to help all chapters. Who do you know in Ontario, Canada? Send them to Maryam at [email protected] and she will invite them on your behalf to visit a local chapter! Let’s how everyone what “family” is all about in LeTip! Canada is on the growth mode and we want to assist. Go Canada!