East Coast Power Event

East Coast Power Event

East Coast Power Event Convention October 16th-18th, 2019 Location: Atlantic City, NJ Tickets: For full pricing details and online ticket-purchasing, please click here. Flyer:  All LeTip members and guests from all areas are invited to this inaugural...

Don’t Go Dark During Summer

We tend to believe that it is harder to grow a chapter in the Summer than at any other time of the year because everyone is gone on vacation! Really? Are you gone? Do you still have to make a house payment, pay for your car, your food? Are you truly gone all Summer? I...
Member Spotlight: Wayne Johnson

Member Spotlight: Wayne Johnson

Wayne Johnson has been in LeTip of Bothell, WA for 6 years and is 6 sponsors away from earning his Gold Badge. As a Past President, Wayne has been a great asset to LeTip of Bothell throughout the past 6 years. Wayne and his wife, Bethany are entrepreneurs in Bothell,...