2020 Board Training Update

2020 Board Training Update

Hello LeTip! Our original plan for 2020 was for Kim Marie, CEO of LeTip, to travel across North America for all Board of Directors Trainings. However, due to health and safety concerns of everyone involved, we will be changing the format of Board of Directors...
LeTip of South King County, WA

LeTip of South King County, WA

  LeTip of South King County will be celebrating their 17th year anniversary this year. They are known for their festive spirit and networking roots that are brought together every Wednesday morning. The genuine atmosphere of helping one another grow their...
Member Spotlight: Bud Condon

Member Spotlight: Bud Condon

Hi, I am Bud Condon, President of LeTip of South King County.  I am the last of our Charter Members when we chartered as LeTip of Southcenter in 2002.  I have held Board positions every year since joining, all 18 of them, primarily as President, VP, and Treasurer.  I...
February 2020 Badge Upgrades

February 2020 Badge Upgrades

We would like to honor our LeTip members who have worked hard to upgrade their badges over the past few months. Member who had their badge upgraded to PLATINUM in January – February of 2020: Member Name Chapter Name Badge Color Lisa Chen LeTip of Mission Bay, CA...