Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter Anniversaries

We would like to recognize and congratulate several LeTip Chapters who are celebrating Anniversaries. For March – June 2020 we have twenty different chapters celebrating specific milestones. We want to acknowledge their commitment to LeTip, each other and their...
May 2020 Badge Upgrades

May 2020 Badge Upgrades

We would like to honor our LeTip members who have worked hard to upgrade their badges over the past few months. Members who had their badge upgraded to GOLD in March – May of 2020: Member Name Chapter Name Badge Color Ayman Awad LeTip of Hauppauge, NY Gold Peter...
LeTip of Lower Bucks, PA

LeTip of Lower Bucks, PA

LeTip of Lower Bucks is unique because of their size and history. With almost 50 members, the chapter is one of the largest in the Pennsylvania region. Lower Bucks chapter has been meeting weekly since August 5,1996 and will be hitting their 25-year anniversary next...
Member Spotlight: David Smith

Member Spotlight: David Smith

2003 – 2020: Seventeen years as a member of the best networking group in the country, as well as the best networking group in Dallas, Texas! As a financial advisor, I certainly would not continue to be a part of a networking group if it did not make financial sense...