Tip of the Week – March 29th, 2011

Educate the membership. Members need to clarify what kind of Tips they are looking for. Precise and succinct commercials highlighting only one or two particular points will provide focus for other members. Remember, you will have an opportunity every week to expound...

Tip of the Week – March 22nd, 2011

Respond to tips promptly. Members should contact their Tips within 24 hours of receiving them. It is imperative to display the highest level of professionalism and treat every referral with extreme importance. The reputation of everyone is on the line, and members...

Tip of the Week – February 27th, 2017

Never let a guest stand alone. Guests should always be made to feel welcome. If you see a stranger, (or even a new member) standing alone, introduce yourself and include them in the converstaion. This is not only a function of good business, but of manners.

Tip of the Week – February 20th, 2017

LeTip is not for everyone. Simply filling an empty chair will not make your chapter a success and bring revenue to members. Look for top professionals in their fields, who are motivated and in whom you, or other members, can personally do business with.

Tip of the Week – February 13th, 2017

Be sure to give many different examples of great Tips by relating stories that you have heard or personally experienced. The more examples of Tip giving that you share, the easier it becomes for members to understand the process and develop their own tipping...