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Communicare – March 2022

Mar 7, 2022 | Articles, Communicare

Bill Hoge

Chapter President, LeTip of Carmichael

LeTip of Cherry Hill

A chapter that shows success in every way possible.

Has LeTip Made You A Better Boss?

Member Anniversaries

See which members had anniversaries over the past 2 quarters

Board Members: Please don’t forget to sign-up for the upcoming Board Retreat. (All members are welcome to join us, too!)

Come check out our newest webinar: “3 Proven Strategies to DOUBLE Your Revenue” coming up Tuesday, March 22!

“Secretaries Corner” include topics to cover at your weekly chapter meetings across each month. All of these monthly covered topics will be in the LeTip Wired Documents Library in the folder named “Secretaries Corner” inside the “3. Board & Committee Member Resources” folder.