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Know Your Worth

Oct 7, 2024 | Articles, LeTip's Blog

In business, we often condition ourselves to equate financial success with personal achievement — as if making a lot of money means we’ve made it, and vice versa. But in reality, income is just one part of the equation. What truly matters is what you keep, and many overlook the most priceless asset of all: time.

Time is the most precious measurement we have. How much time have you invested in your craft? How much experience have you gained? That wisdom is fueling a superior customer experience—something valuable that not everyone is ready for, and that’s okay.

Not everyone can afford or even appreciate a top-tier experience. Sometimes clients need to go through their own journey before they recognize true value. So, rather than lowering your price or profit margin, think of it as a filter. Your price is the filter that preserves your time for those who genuinely appreciate the value you bring.

Those who don’t will never become long-term clients anyway. Be grateful for that filter, because the time it saves you is priceless. Use it wisely.

-Peter J. Normandia