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Synergy Leads Group of LeTip, NJ

Aug 5, 2024 | Articles, Featured Chapter

For this month’s Chapter Spotlight, we met with leaders from the Synergy Leads Group of LeTip (formerly the LeTip of Clifton chapter). They are celebrating 15 years as a chapter. The chapter’s “About’ info says it all: “Synergy Leads Group is a group of serious go getters who either own their own business or work for a corporation and are interested in growing their personal client base as well as provide group members with legitimate business leads. We meet every week for one purpose, to help each other gain business. Obviously, there are other positive aspects to the fact that we meet the same people every week. You build relationships with these people which strengthen the confidence we have to provide each other with business tips. We believe in the type of networking that stems from you feeling comfortable giving business to the person sitting next to you.”

Read on to learn about their goals, where they came from, and where this vibrant chapter is headed!

Where do you see the chapter in a year from now? Or what goals, if any, is the chapter focused on for 2024/2025?

Synergy Leads Group of LeTip has two goals for 2024/2025 that go hand in hand. The first goal is to reach 35 members by the end of 2024 as of writing this I believe we will be at 32 members. The second goal going into 2025, other than the obvious getting to 40 members, is that we want to mature all our members into hyper active members of our chapter. We will do this by selective recruiting, training, support, and further development of our protocols within LeTip and our chapter itself.

What would you like us to know about your chapter that makes you different from others?

Synergy Leads Group of LeTip, formerly known as LeTip of Clifton chapter, has existed for 14-plus years strong. Some of the founding members are not only still active but are on the board, leading the chapter to greater and greater milestones, such as numbers of tips passed, money earned from closed tips, and roster number. Some would say, “Why rename a chapter that has existed for so long under that one banded name?” Well, we moved our location to a more upscale meeting place, in order to help us attract quality members that are better aligned with our goals for 2024/2025. And we really believe that a healthy chapter should have synergy within tipping and its power partners. The new name just made a whole lot of sense to all of us.

While we have evolved as a chapter, we also have stuck to the fundamentals of what makes us a LeTip organization. We have grown upon the foundation that has been provided to us by LeTip. Our chapter has implemented a “welcoming committee” for every new member that joins the group. We treat them to a brunch. This gives us the opportunity to make them feel welcomed and not as if they are walking into a room filled with strangers on that Wednesday morning. It has really been successful.

Would you like to share any member success stories?

We think the synergy between the real estate power partners is a success story every time they come together to sell or buy a home. For our videographer, Robert Longo, it has been not only getting back to pre-COVID levels of business volume but exceeding it and being able to hire himself a full-time editor. For our telecommunications/infrastructure expert, Duncan Wheatley, it was receiving one “not so sure tip” and turning it into a $600,000 tip over time. Our chapter is robust and filled with great success stories from tips that matured years later into big client budget to the general community we have built within our chapter to feel like a family.

How does your board work together to ensure the success of the chapter?

Our board is filled with passionate, dedicated members that enjoy seeing everyone in our chapter succeed. We communicate with each other just about every single day, not because we have to, but because we want to. We have ideas, we support each other and we have great respect for each other. The best part is our board is filled with founding members, blue, green and white badge holders and we all learn from each other. Although some might say….”Whatever Gabby wants she gets is our motto!” lol … Just kidding!

We excel at doing what is best first and foremost for the chapter as a whole, even above our own interests.

Do you have any great power partnerships in your chapter? How do they work together for success?

Real Estate and certainly the Personal Injury (PI attorney, chiropractor, auto body, etc)

Do you do any chapter events (Virtual or in-person) other than the weekly meetings?

We just did a community event – a 5k. We also have Thirsty Thursdays every first Thursday of the month (non-official chapter event). Some of the members are racing a car in the 24 Hours of Lemons event in 2025. We are also hosting our first funding raiser (bowling event) this September.

What is your favorite chapter memory since you got started?

Favorite chapter memory? Every time we vote in a quality new member. Every time we turn a white badge green! We dedicate the first meeting of the month as an “open forum” meeting. In lieu of having 2 members speak, we do games that help educate the members on the LeTip basics, have guest speakers attend to build upon our LeTip knowledge, have power partners present as a group, have members that are top tippers speak on their success stories, have other chapter members present, etc (the list goes on and on), President Gabbi Napolitano shared, “My most favorite was when we had a LeTip-based Pictionary game in which we split the members into 2 teams and the questions were based on the NTS training and bylaws. It was SO much fun that we have everyone up and out of their seats, cheering, yelling hysterical answers and laughing so hard we cried. It was a VERY fun morning (and we learned a lot.)”

Is there anything else, specifically, you would like to share about your chapter?

I think this chapter is a rising star of LeTip. We have really made the LeTip way our way and made it really work for us. We have the experience, creativity, and leadership to really grow and be a most successful chapter.

Synergy Leads Group of LeTip, NJ

Gabrielle Napolitano (Chapter President), Hugo Carvajal (VP), & Peter Correia (Tip Master)

Gabrielle Napolitano (Chapter President) and Paul Della Valle (Vice President of LeTip International Inc.)