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White Badge Mixers

Sep 6, 2022 | Articles, Networking Tips

White Badge Mixers are events with unlimited potential for your chapter. That is if you see them as an opportunity to enhance your chapter and not just changing someone’s badge color. In a perfect situation, you’ve voted in a new member, and they immediately meet with chapter leadership, schedule time with your Area VP, has their full profile on Wired, and completes NTS within 90 days. However, we do not live in perfect world, and they are not ready to become your next Gold Badge or Top Tipper, yet.  
White badge mixers are an opportunity for new members to spend some one-on-one time with each other, the Chapter President, Membership Chair, Top Tipper, or the highest-level badge member in your chapter. By allowing them time to work with you directly, they will understand how the chapter works and what’s expected of them. You’re setting your new member up for success. 

The agenda is as follows:

          ⦿ Leadership: President and Membership Chair / President and Top Tipper / President and Gold badge member.

          ⦿ Invited: All white badge members. While the focus is members, guests are always welcome.

          ⦿ Location: Generally, a happy hour of appetizers only. We want to be mindful of the cost to the chapter. It is important that this is worked into your annual budget.

          ⦿ Topic: Commercials, 4 week rotation, follow your dollar, how to give Tips, how to invite guests, Wired, determine power partners, etc.

          ⦿ Duration: 60-90 minutes.

Joy Huntsman, President of LeTip of West Desert, NV, shares “It is an opportunity to answer questions and talk about things that are really important to make sure new members have full transparency. You don’t get enough time in the meeting to address these important topics.”.
Please remember we were all new once.  Be that person in your chapter that you wished or perhaps you had when you first started with your white badge.
If you’d like to start incorporating white badge mixers, please reach out to your Area VP to discuss it further.