Our Director of First Impressions, Carolina Ruiz, reached out to LeTip of Coastal, NJ to conduct an awesome interview featuring their chapter. Read on:
How did your chapter work through COVID? What were some of the challenges? Zoom Meetings?
We quickly pivoted to Zoom Meetings right away. We didn’t take a week off from our last in-person to our first Zoom meeting. We also made sure to mirror our Zoom meeting as closely as possible to our in-person meetings – Every week we follow the structure and format of a LeTip Meeting. The biggest compliment we receive from guests is that the meeting runs very smoothly and that has always been our goal.
Our biggest challenge has been building new relationships outside of meetings. We have encouraged our members to hold as many Zoom one on ones as possible.
What were some of the things you did to keep morale up? How do you keep your chapter motivated?
We keep the meeting positive and stay on the agenda. We don’t allow anyone to pull the meeting off track with individual issues. We also track our Paid Business very closely and work to make sure that every member is making money. This year we beat our Closed Tip Goal by November 1st. It’s been the most productive year in our chapters’ history.
What makes your chapter unique?
We have always worked hard to make sure that our members were true professionals. We want all of members to be able to tip each other with confidence that they are getting an expert. We look for members that have real experience and positive attitude about growing business. We also try to highlight our members as people – from personal accomplishments like marriages, births, career achievements we want our members to be known as people.
Any success stories? Top Tippers? Outstanding members?
Our real estate team has had an outstanding year. The Covid19 pandemic lead to a lot of people moving out of NYC and into the NJ area we represent. We have had a strong real estate team for several years but this year we added more complimentary members who have done very well like Interior Design and Soft flooring – It has created a second power team branch off our real estate team.
Did your chapter have any goals for 2020? 2021?
We had a goal of $575,000 in closed Tips for 2020 and 30 Members. We will finish 2020 over $625,000 in closed tips and 29 Members (so close). We will be making our 2021 goals during our first Board Meeting of 2021.
Please tell us anything else that you think would be good to add or helpful to other chapters/LeTIp members!
Make your meetings fun and use the Zoom format to your advantage. We gained members this year that would have struggled to make it to our in-person meetings but the digital format worked. It allowed them to grow their business and our existing members to grow theirs.