“We have talked about Power Events and most of our members are not familiar with ever having seen one or been involved so let’s talk about what Power Events do for a chapter, a community and marketing to help grow chapters. In the past we have held half day events but recently we held a three day event in Atlantic City. We have had Power Events in Los Angeles, Ca, Orange County, CA, Sacramento, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Illinois and our Las Vegas Power Event we have had for several years. This is the one with the most consistency and it usually is held for a half day, starting at 7:01 in the morning with showboating, networking, breakfast and an event where we recognize leaders, have a speaker or two and give away awards, door prizes and more.
The purpose of these events has been to introduce prospects to our community and allow them to see how we work together and get a feel for how it would work for them. With our last Power Event, we held it for two and a half days. We had break out classes done by corporate staff and volunteer members who felt they had powerful information to share about growing chapters, recruiting guests and so much more. The problem with this great event was that it was too far away from members and too long for most anyone to bring a guest. We had a few guests but they were spouses of members. It is important for them to get to know us as well but it would have been much more powerful if we could have shared it with local community guests who in turn would consider joining your chapters.
The second purpose of holding Power Events is to improve on ourselves, meet and greet others in our LeTip Community from other chapters. We learn from each other and exchange best practices building true relationships that blossom and help us grow and prosper. We become one and stay loyal to the brand and structure because it works and we support each other.
Recognizing the true value of a Power Event, we are rethinking how we want to organize them. In a perfect world, we would meet for a day and a half maximum. We would allow our showboaters to come in early to set up on the night before say from 4 to 6:45 p.m. Everyone would have to be set up and be ready to go in the evening because at 7:00 p.m. we would have a Business Mixer for everyone to attend and bring their guests. We would network and give away door prizes vowing to see each other in the morning as we call it a night around 9 p.m.
The next day would start at 7:01 a.m. with showboaters at their tables ready to explain what their products or services are and sell anything they want to for their time showboating which was the night before and all day the day of the event. They can be manned by the members or they can bring someone with them to man it so all can get a feel for what you do and possibly give you more business. Can you imagine the value of being in front of a couple hundred guests and LeTip members who have never seen your product or service before? That is the vision.
We will break bread together having breakfast. We will have guest speakers to help motivate us and give us information that will help us succeed. We will hear where the organization is going and what the plans are for the future. We will recognize lots of chapters, members and leaders in the room. When the morning session comes to a close, we will grab a box lunch as we walk out and prepare to go to our breakout classes. We will encourage guests to attend but they are free to leave right after the morning event. The afternoon will hold up to ten breakout classes all designed to be 45 minutes in length.
When those classes are finished we will all meet back in the main event room and hold a massive chapter meeting. We will pass tips, have a full board of directors preselected to their position. We will have a showboater, greeter and speaker. We will even have a lucky devil and we will play the poker folder holder game. This meeting will be run by myself (the company CEO and Owner, Kim Marie) so you can ask questions, to see how I run a meeting and take back valuable information to help make your chapter meetings even stronger and more fun! When the meeting is over, a few minutes to thank everyone for their contributions and we say good bye until our next event!
What is the value? Being seen by more business owners. Building relationships with those you would never meet otherwise. Asking for business from people who trust you because you are in LeTip and introducing your guests to an amazing opportunity before their very eyes.
I explained our last event was in Atlantic City for 3 days. The article below was written by a member who came, was a committee chair and had ample opportunity to see how a Power Event works. He has never seen one where we invite lots of guests to the event. Notice how important it was to him to connect and build relationships. Again, in a perfect world where we can combine the two we have an opportunity for an event that will blow your socks off! Enjoy the read.”
-Kim Marie
“So the inaugural East Coast Power Event is now in the books and almost a week later I am still engaged with the amazing members who became friends over the course of just three days. Since returning home I have had the opportunity to speak with some of my fellow members who were not in attendance and they have all asked me to give them one reason why they should attend next year. Well, the name of the event describes it perfectly, because the event in one word was indeed POWERFUL.
All of us at one time or another have attended a networking event outside of LeTip. Whether it was a chamber of commerce meeting, a Meetup event or even a business mixer sponsored by a LeTip chapter, they all pale in comparison to a Power Event, and here is why. The goal of a business owner, professional or salesperson at these other events is to acquire new clients, build partnerships or recruit, whereas the focus at the Power Event is simply to better yourself. Simple, right?
The beauty of any Power Event is in the simplicity. It’s low-pressure. You aren’t there to sell. You aren’t there to recruit. You are there to learn. That’s it. How do you learn at a Power Event? By leaning on the experience of your colleagues and having them lean on you. You see, when you eliminate the need to try and outsell or out-recruit each other it is amazing how much you can learn from your fellow LeTip members.
So when our next Power Event rolls around please attend. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do business in Atlantic City, NJ or Las Vegas, NV. If that is your concern then go back and re-read this blog from the beginning, please!
Attend the event. Learn from your peers. Make new friends. Build lasting relationships and strengthen existing ones. And most of all, help each other.”
Guest blog section written by David Faccone
New Jersey Area Representative
LeTip International
Direct: 201-334-7067
Email: [email protected]
To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here
Kim Marie Branch-Pettid

(800) 495-3847
40 Years of helping build businesses just like yours, everyday of the week.