LeTip Language: “Excellence” Performing above and beyond normal expectations while adhering to the highest standards. The best—without peer.
Excellence can be achieved by an individual with great effort. Excellence can only be achieved in an organization through planning, action, measurement and feedback. LeTip set up the chapter processes for just this purpose. Every page on the flip chart was created to guide chapters towards excellence. We strive to teach these processes through our Spring and Fall Board Training as well as in our Network Training Seminar (NTS).
I recently read a blogger who identified 5 summarized pre-requisites from the over 70 frameworks that can be found in modern theories of Operational Excellence (i.e., World Competitive Manufacturing, Just-In-Time, Best Practice, Total Quality Management aka “TQM”, Six Sigma, Agile, Business Improvement, Process Improvement, Business Transformation and Lean Thinking):
1. Shared Strategic Direction
2. Process Design & Improvement
3. Performance Measurement & Feedback
4. Knowledge Capture & Leverage
5. Leadership & Management of Change
First and foremost for all businesses is setting a shared strategic direction. Each LeTip Chapter should have a set of goals that are set by the board of directors, but which are bought off on by the entire membership. The chapter is in this together and rarely does a chapter succeed when the members have disparate ideas on what they need to succeed. All chapters received an election package earlier this month with a goals page. Ask your board when they will be setting a Shared Strategic Direction.
Once the direction is set, everyone is responsible for knowing their role in the process. Maybe in the past year (or more), your chapter has forgotten about some of the key design aspects of the flip chart. Look at where your chapter didn’t succeed as well as it could have last year and seek out improvements to your chapter meeting design. Your regional VP or Area Rep can offer great resources. If you have specific questions that you would like to discuss in Spring Board Training, make sure we hear from you early enough to add to the agenda.
We are re-building LeTip Wired and one of the key objectives is to improve the ability for chapters to receive Performance Measurement and Feedback. It is key for the Board and for all members to understand how they are doing as well as the rest of the members in the group. Remember to “Give, Get, Grow… Repeat!” “Give” is where we start in LeTip.
Reports shouldn’t just be for measuring performance, they should provide leverage for where your chapter can grow. An example of leveraging is when you use the average value of a seat in your chapter to convince guests to join. Each time your chapter grows, the opportunity for additional business referrals grows.
The Board of Directors has been set up to be the leadership of the chapter. All members are encouraged to participate in a committee. More hands and feet lead to more activity for the chapter, which should lead to success if you are following these 5 pre-requisites. Want to learn more? Attend the Spring Board training coming in April and May of 2019.
To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here

Kim Marie Branch-Pettid

(800) 495-3847
40 Years of helping build businesses just like yours, everyday of the week.