For those of you who have met me, you know I’m full of passion for LeTip. I began my LeTip adventure as a member in the Banker category. Before long, my enthusiasm caught the attention of LeTip’s founder, Ken Peterson. Ken invited me to the corporate offices in San Diego. Within hours of meeting with me, he offered me the position of Regional Director/Arizona. Within two years, I took over the title of National Training Director, then Executive Vice President. In the fall of 2005, I took over the reins as President.
It was a whirlwind adventure to that point, but nothing compared to the start of what happened in February of 2008. I became the new owner of LeTip and began to face the challenges that many of our owners in LeTip face every day. These last 20 years are what has built my passion for everything LeTip. Sometimes I am at a loss for words about what passion means to me, so I was greatly surprised when I found these words by Dr. Brad Poppie. They were so aligned with my views.
Dr. Brad Poppie says in a recent blog:
“How often have you heard the phrase, “Passion is the key to success?” So, does this mean that passion is the key to entrepreneurial success?
As a budding entrepreneur, such a phrase may be the guiding light for the work you do. Yet, as I explain in Chapter 3 of my book, The Poppie Factor, it takes more than merely loving what you do, and being good at it, to build a business.
The successful entrepreneur not only has a passion for doing certain things, she or he will also have what I call “Business Passion”; the intense desire and irresistible motive to put forth 150% of your time and energy to build a successful business entity.
In other words, whatever you have to offer that has created that irresistible enthusiasm within you, must be subsumed by a matching need to develop a way to bring it to others; in this case, a business entity that presents your idea to the marketplace. Without this corresponding passion for business, you’re likely to give up when times are tough – which they almost inevitably will.”
As Dr. Poppie states, I have a “need” to bring to all of our members what LeTip brought to me as a member. First, new business. Second, a family of like minded business people. Finally, a way to improve my self in public speaking, ethics. These are the Passions that I bring to work every day!
To read more of Kim Marie’s Blog, click here
Kim Marie Branch-Pettid
(800) 495-3847
40 Years of helping build businesses just like yours, everyday of the week.