Noah's Park Tree Care
About Jennifer
I'm a Nevadan gal that works to speak for the trees and advocate for the best and appropriate industry standards with respects to arboriculture.
About Noah's Park Tree Care
Company History
I began doing tree work in 2000 with a company in Seattle called City Foresters. They were one of the larger and more established companies in Seattle at the time with good climbers who never pruned with spikes and didn’t top trees. I credit a lot of my fundamental approaches to trees from what I learned while at City Foresters. After that I worked mostly in the summers between college semesters for small companies, and I learned a lot of different ways to do things, which served me well in the future.
I moved back to Reno and started Noah’s Park Tree Care in 2006 with just a truck and a chainsaw that I bought the week before I started college. That was the tail end of the economic boom and finding work was relatively easy. But after 2008 Reno was a really tough place to find work, and growing the business was difficult. I also didn’t know a damn thing about starting or running a business, so I learned a lot in that time. I stayed committed to the company and hired my first team members in 2010, Ernesto and Sam. Back then I had a small chipper that would overheat on hot days and a dump truck that didn’t really dump. You had to shovel out half of the chips before the bed would go up, and then you had to back up really quick and slam on the brakes to push the chips out. A hilarious and frustrating process that resulted in the ram breaking several times over the years. Looking back now I laugh at all the things I didn’t know, and mistakes I could have avoided. Initially I just parked my trucks on the street, which resulted in a fair amount of stuff getting stolen, although mostly just gasoline. When I finally got reported we started moving to various lots around east 4th street. This was problematic too, with trucks getting broken into quite a bit, including staff trucks. We moved into our Gentry yard in October 2020, which has been a nice change from the many hassles of 4th street.
Since then we’ve hired more people, bought better equipment, and figured out a little more about how to run a tree care business. Now we have a solid team of professionals both in the field and in the office that are dedicated to providing the best service and tree care.
Our Purpose
At Noah’s Park Tree Care, we are “Inspired to cultivate and preserve the trees in our community for the benefit of all.”
Our Values
We act as advocates for the trees, and try to guide our customers in doing what's best for their trees in the long run. This is done by educating the customer on what is good or bad for their trees, and presenting solutions or alternatives when possible. Our values guide everything we do from who we hire, who we work for, to how we perform our services.
Safety - We value a culture of safety as a part of everything we do
Respect - We value respect in our work and relationships
Professionalism - We use our skills and training to care for trees and clients
Environmental Stewardship - We demonstrate care about the environment
Teamwork - We achieve more through teamwork