
Energize Your Business

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LeTip of Henderson, NV

Jan 3, 2023 | Articles, Featured Chapter

Here we are in a fresh new year! Welcome 2023! Your Communicare crew is here, ready to bring you a whole new year of connections, information, and inspiration! For the month of January, we would like to give the spotlight to LeTip of Henderson, Nevada! This 23-member chapter meets in person, on Thursday mornings. We spoke with Troy Smith, president of the chapter, and financial advisor of the group. We discussed the hurdles that the chapter overcame in the last couple of years and what they continue to do to keep thriving. Troy…take it away!
“The one constant in life is change and covid has essentially changed everything.  Adapt or die is a saying that many of us I’m sure can relate to as of late.  Whether it’s how you do business or your Le Tip group we’ve all had to change and adapt.  Happily, I can say that after a “covid” dip in our chapter’s membership, we are now back and at all-time highs in our Le Tip of Henderson group.

One thing that may have been unique to us is that we really didn’t stop meeting.  Of course, this may have not been an option for all. For us, after a month or so of Zoom meetings we went back to in person breakfast meetings, as soon as possible.  I feel the face-to-face aspect is really the life blood of the group, keeps the communication flowing, and builds that intergroup rapport that is so valuable to generate tips.  We realize this isn’t the case for everyone, but in our experience, we felt that the face-to-face Le Tip group meetings were far more constructive than web conferences.  Perhaps it’s not as easy as just turning on the computer; but it worked before and still works for us.

Next, we try to schedule our two weekly speakers where they fit together.  For instance, we’ll have our financial planner and CPA give their talk on the same day.  Or pool cleaner and landscaper together, as another example, to see if there are additional ways that these closely related fields can create synergies.  Additionally, occasionally we’ll scrape weekly speaker and break into “power groups” than report back to the group afterwards.  Those brainstorming sessions have worked to create new ideas on how to generate more tips not only within those respected power groups, but with adding value to the other groups, as well.

Long/short, we have gone back to a system that worked, but also streamlined it.  No more passing of business cards or dollar penalties.  With those past tasks eliminated we have also reduced the overall time we are in the meeting and are usually done with the main content of the meeting under one 1 hour.  That said we still try to get there at least 15-20 minutes before the meeting starts, which I highly encourage as well.”

Thank you, Troy! Keep up the great work out there! Sometimes we need to go with the flow, when it comes to the changes we all have faced and continue to be challenged with.

Well, LeTip family, what changes have you made to your chapter? What are you looking to implement in 2023? Oh, and the next time you find yourself in the Las Vegas area, connect with Troy and see if you can visit this chapter while you are out there! Let’s keep those connections going all through 2023 and beyond!