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LeTip World Series Contest

Aug 1, 2022 | Articles, News & Announcements

Did you know?

I am willing to bet, many of our members do not even know we are in the middle of our Summer contest. We do this most every year to support our members and encourage them to bring back former members who may have left and brand-new members whom, could help all members in the chapter grow their businesses.

It is another example of how we want to assist you with growth. Each time you invite a prospect to your chapter it should be all about you and your business. It is selfish but the absolute way to grow your own business and ensure others in your chapter will grow as well. When you have four or more Power Partners you start to see the difference and the cash starts rolling in. Don’t settle for mediocrity, go for the GOLD!

This year’s contest is to have some FUN! After all it is baseball time and America’s favorite game. We created this game to be played like a baseball game with innings and prizes and each inning giving away a prize to whomever is selected randomly from our pot of numbers for those who have been entered for bringing in a new or returning member. So it is not just one winner in the very end but winners all through the contest. It is posted on Facebook so look and see if someone from your chapter has been selected. We have two winners already with a third coming up! Those that win ahead of time are still eligible to win the final inning and then that person will receive TWO World Series tickets!

Come to the party and get involved. The more you are seen and heard, the more business you will receive! It is a great time to introduce people to what they could actually do for their business. All you have to do is ask.

(Click here for more contest details)