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Intertwine Your Connections With Power Partners

Jun 15, 2022 | Articles, Networking Tips

If I asked you what businesses your business has “worked with” over the past year, you would likely name your suppliers first, your customers second and then businesses that have complementary services or products. All these businesses should be considered when you are thinking about how to build your Power Partners in your networking group.  Power Partners are the businesses that you are most likely to be able to recommend or who are most likely to recommend you in a referral.

One of the most obvious groups of Power Partners in networking groups are in the Home Selling area.  Most buyers/sellers need a home inspector, a mortgage loan officer, a mover, carper cleaner, insurance agent, landscaper, painter, …The list is expansive.

But just because your business may not have “obvious” Power Partners, doesn’t mean you don’t have any.  Here is an example of a group that is not as obvious: Power Partners for a Wills and Trusts Attorney include a funeral director, a financial advisor, a real estate attorney, a CPA, an Assisted Living Home Director, …

Build your Power Partner Team

The best way to build your Power Partner team is to start recruiting new members into your group.  Use the power of brining someone into the group to show them the value you are looking to bring their business and that starts the relationship building that will keep you top of mind as they go throughout the business day, meeting their clients, suppliers and prospects.

Here are some hints as to how to invite them to your group.  Ask these 4 simple questions: Would you like more business this year; Would you like to make more money; Are you in town next week; How about joining me for breakfast/lunch?

These simple questions will almost always have the answer “yes”.  If they ask why, tell them “I belong to a group of business professionals I’d like to introduce you to.  I know they can put Dollars In Your Pocket! TM.

Tell them to be sure to bring plenty of business cards and to prepare a 30-second introduction.  Let them know your group always starts and ends on time so they know what the commitment will be and that business attire is required.  Then let them know that since you are reserving a seat for them to call you if they cannot attend.  Letting them know the seat is being reserved adds credence to the importance of attending.

Share Referral Information, but not contact information

Whenever you receive a referral from one of your group members, you should always let your Power Partners know of the referral from a “what are they looking for” standpoint.  Don’t share the referrals name and contact information.  That is us to the person who gave you the referral.  Remember, that contact is as or more important to them as it is to you.  Your Power Partners can reach out to the member in your group and ASK for an introduction by letting them know what additional services/products they think the person would benefit from.