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Remembering Dr. Michael Kilbride

Aug 17, 2020 | Articles, Member Spotlight

We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the passing of a very special member of our LeTip family, Dr. Michael Kilbride.

Mike was a long-standing member of the LeTip of La Jolla, CA chapter next to the sunny beaches of the Pacific Ocean. As an integral part in the beginning of LeTip, Mike became a member in 1981 which makes him one of the very first official members of the LeTip networking organization.

Throughout the years, Dr. Kilbride was very active in both his business operating out of San Diego as a Chiropractor, and also very active within his chapter sponsoring 25 new members and achieving his Gold Badge. He held numerous board positions during the years in his chapter.

(Dr. Mike Kilbride and Ken Peterson – founder of LeTip)

LeTip of La Jolla held an online meeting with nearly 50 attendees who took time to honor and remember memories of Mike (pictured above). Several in his chapter commented on his strong integrity and how he was the backbone of their chapter.

(Dr. Mike alongside fellow board members)

(Dr. Mike & Jason Kugler)

(Dr. Mike & Prentice St. Clair)

(Dr. Mike and Dr. Juli)

(Dr. Mike at a Summer Social)

We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, and fellow chapter members of Dr. Mike.
Thank you Mike, for all that you have done for us! We will always remember you.

-From all of us at LeTip