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LeTip of Buxmont, PA

Sep 16, 2019 | Articles, Featured Chapter

Being around for 16 years and honoring the title of the sixth largest chapter in Pennsylvania, LeTip of Buxmont, PA has dominated 2019. This year, the chapter has gained 19 new members, totaling 39, almost reaching their goal of 40 members by 12/31/19. This has been a 60% increase since April of 2018! Their strong board has led the growing presence of the chapter.

Chapter President & 16-year member, Eric Felt, is one member away from his Gold Badge. This will make a second Gold Badge to their roster with their Past President Brian Singer. Remember, Gold Badge members are Life Time LeTip members never having to pay renewal dues again!

LeTip of Buxmont, PA regularly goes Live on their Facebook page. They also post recorded video introductions of their members to keep their online presence active and inviting. Be sure to catch them in action weekly on their Facebook page and stay tuned for more of their growth! With growth comes Dollars In Your Pocket!