Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter Anniversaries

Coming up soon are the next batch of LeTip Chapter Anniversaries. This September and October, we will have five different chapters celebrating specific milestones. We want to acknowledge their commitment to LeTip, each other and their businesses. LeTip of Sno-King, WA...

Radio Interviews & Press Releases

Hi Everyone. Over the past month, I have been invited to talk about LeTip on two radio programs. I think they were both great and hope we can use them to promote LeTip. Below are links to both of the Radio Blogs which I encourage you to listen to. I want your feedback...
Member Spotlight: Karen Carlson

Member Spotlight: Karen Carlson

Karen Carlson has been in LeTip for over 6 years, and last year she served as LeTip of Stockton’s chapter president. With over 30 years experience in the field of property management, she has worked with Property Management Experts since 1990. She was...
LeTip of Stockton, CA

LeTip of Stockton, CA

As a 12-year established chapter, LeTip of Stockton is no newbie when it comes to networking. In 2018, they passed $964,186 worth of business with a total of 2,826 closed business tips. They are hoping to break that number this year and hit $1,000,000! With 33 members...