Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter Anniversaries

Here are the next batch of LeTip Chapter Anniversaries to kick off 2020. This January/February we will have twelve different chapters celebrating specific milestones. We want to acknowledge their commitment to LeTip, each other and their businesses. LeTip of Culver...
LeTip of San Diego North, CA

LeTip of San Diego North, CA

LeTip of San Diego North Did you know that LeTip Of San Diego North is the second oldest group in San Diego? Established on March 19th, 1982, the group started just shy of 5 months from the first group. LeTip Of San Diego North has not only been establishing...
Member Spotlight: Laura D'Urso

Member Spotlight: Laura D'Urso

I am sure you can all agree, none of us have a crystal ball, we cannot see what the future holds. We can only trust that our journey is what is meant to be. Growing up in a small town in North Jersey I remember saying “I want to be on TV, I want to be a model, I want...

Member Spotlight: Laura D’Urso

I am sure you can all agree, none of us have a crystal ball, we cannot see what the future holds. We can only trust that our journey is what is meant to be. Growing up in a small town in North Jersey I remember saying “I want to be on TV, I want to be a model, I want...