Quarterly Program

Quarterly Program

It’s the start of a new year and time to make sure that your 2021 LeTip Chapter plans are in place. This week I want to remind everyone of the benefits of our Quarterly Program Rotation. There are three pillars to our quarterly program, Tipping, Membership and the...
How to Set Goals in Uncertain Times

How to Set Goals in Uncertain Times

Focus on the big picture – instead of focusing on what you don’t know, focus on what you do know instead. – Cinnamon Wolfe 2021 is here and with it we all need to remember that we cannot know where we are going without a map. The highway ahead may still be...
Member Spotlight: Karen Young

Member Spotlight: Karen Young

What in the world is #DramaFreeHR? There is NO way that exists! Well, member Karen Young, from LeTip of West Shore would beg to differ with you! She holds the HR Category in her Chapter. Karen is the founder and President of HR Resolutions and the bestselling author...
LeTip of Greater San Diego

LeTip of Greater San Diego

LeTip of Greater San Diego has an impressive 34 year tenure and hopes to celebrate their 35th anniversary in person this year. Andy Kimari, chapter founder, is still an inspiring and motivating member each week. He is one of LeTip International’s Purple Badge holders,...
January 2021 Badge Upgrades

January 2021 Badge Upgrades

We would like to honor our LeTip members who have worked hard to upgrade their badges over the past few months. Members who have had their badge upgraded to SILVER in December of 2020 – January of 2021: Member Name Chapter Name Badge Color Jim Anderegg LeTip of...