
Energize Your Business

Interested in joining a LeTip chapter? Find a chapter that works for you!

LeTip of Shore, NJ

Dec 6, 2021 | Articles, Featured Chapter

What was it like when you first started in your chapter?

Member, Alessia Daniele: I think the word I would use is, unexpecting! I first attended a business mixer after a recent interaction with one of the founding members earlier that week. She was the Vice President at the time and a well-known realtor in the area. I was a brand new resident to the Jersey Shore and looking to meet like-minded people, for friendships and business. I took the invite as an opportunity to do so and immediately felt a sense of welcome. When she invited me to the chapter’s next “network meeting”, I was surprised to hear it was at 7 am! Despite it being December and here in NJ where mornings are not the most motivating, I decided to go. When I arrived, there were 8 people in a conference room. Kelly and 7 others, including Paul Della Valle. One who was presenting about real estate law. I for sure thought, this may not be the right group for me, being in the health and wellness field. But when I realized the group was brand new and I did really enjoy the company of the members, I took it as an opportunity to grow. I could help find other wellness professionals looking to expand their network and businesses and introduce them to LeTip as well.

What unusual category would you like to have?

Being that the demographic in our group is a bit younger, we’ve had some unique and unusual categories filled as well as invited as guests. The most unique being beekeepers, CBD dispensary, a fine artist and our very own member Will Grundmann, currently holds the only “Brewery” seat in all of LeTip, internationally! An unusual category to fill might be a farmer!

How are you rebuilding since Covid?

As soon as we could, we began with our “in-person” meetings and more recently, have really put the focus back on one on ones. We created a Welcome Committee for new members. Once their application is approved, 3 members (which switch each quarter) are tasked with welcoming them by organizing a one on one appointment within the new members’ first 2 weeks. In July, we announced a $100 prize for the member who completed the most one on ones in the month of August. We’ve had multiple mixers as well as member only events as well!

What categories are you looking for?

Based on a group response, categories we are looking for are:
· Electrician and Plumbing
· Yoga or Gym owner
· Cleaning Services
· Physical Therapist
· PR Firm

How does your chapter overcome obstacles?

We work together. As a board, we hold our monthly one hour meeting but also sync up via zoom at the beginning of every month. We are in constant communication and so as obstacles arise, which they do, we do our best to brainstorm a solution that is in the best interest for our members. We also communicate with our members, ask for their opinions, take votes and listen.

Any success stories?

I’d like to say so! Will Grundmann, a founding member formerly as the Financial Advisor who always shared his vision for brewing beer, officially opened his “doors” to Twin Lights Brewing in 2019, mid pandemic. Massage therapist Dina Haffner, founder of Kinetric Wellness, launched a spin-off company of her brand, Kouples Company and utilized the group as an essential resource giving business to our video photographer, copywriter, and digital marketer.

What would you like us to know about your chapter that makes you different from others?

Our culture. We are a diverting, unique, extroverted group of professionals. We embody the importance of giving to receive, cultivating relationships and creating a rock solid community with our members. Our vibe attracts the type of members we want to continue to grow, build and evolve with.