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Board of Directors Seminar 2021

Mar 1, 2021 | Articles, News & Announcements

Hooray, we have made it 2-months into the new year. February is done so your chapter should have your nominations in place for your Chapter Board. This is the time for every member to look seriously at what they want to accomplish with their LeTip membership in 2021 and make sure you are voting for the Board Members who are going to lead you forward successfully.

For everyone running for a Board position, let us talk about the commitment you are making. 2021 is going to be a great year for every chapter whose Board is ready to be successful. Your commitment to helping your chapter by being a leader needs to be a part of your overall plan for having a successful year with your company; the two successes go hand in hand.

The Board of Directors Seminar is part of that commitment from each Board Member and the Chapter. The Seminar this year will again be virtual and cost the Chapter $90. The Bylaws state “Board Members must attend (or send a LeTip member substitute) or the chapter is assessed a minimum of $300.” If you are not a board member, but you have interest in attending, please step up or attend for a board member who cannot attend. This is a serious part of your commitment to help build the success of your chapter. The Seminar is a great opportunity to realize the breadth of the LeTip community and find amazing resources across the country to help your chapter be successful.

This year, the Seminar will be held at three separate times. This gives you an option of when the training fits into your schedule. Since the training will be the same each time, chapter board members do not need to attend together. We are including some top member leaders from around the country as trainers this Spring. There will also be a discussion of the 2021 Bylaw changes led by the LeTip Member Advisory Board.

Monday May 10th at 7:00AM – 9:30AM Eastern Standard Time

Monday May 10th at 7:00AM – 9:30AM Pacific Standard Time

Friday May 14th at 9:00AM – 11:30PM Pacific Standard Time

The Spring Board Seminar is not the beginning of your training nor the end. Each Board member who takes on a new role in 2021 will receive an email with links to the recorded video Position Training. These run between 15 and 45 minutes depending upon the position. It is expected that you watch this prior to coming to the Board Seminar. It is actually a good idea for any member to watch these and they are also available in the LeTip Wired Document Library.

After the Board Seminar, there will be many opportunities for you to continue to have access to training. We have added a lot of new opportunities for our members to receive training throughout the year, both from our corporate staff as well as other members. All these calls can be found on your LeTip Wired Calendar and are open to any member.

National Leadership Calls are monthly and hosted by Doug Christian and Paul Della Valle. Special topics are reviewed each month with some of our top member leaders leading the discussions.

Wired Power Hours are weekly and hosted by Summer Middleton. These are open sessions where any question on or the mobile app can be answers, from Tipping to Guests to building your profile.

Lunch Bunches are weekly and hosted by Paul Della Valle. Members do a lot of idea sharing here to build up other members and tons of inter-chapter tipping is happening as a result.

Network Training Seminars are 3 times monthly and hosted by me most of the time. Over the past couple years, I have seen so many members benefit from getting to know other members across the country when we do these trainings.

Keep an eye open for registration and more information about what we will be covering during this years Board of Director Seminar.