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Is “Lunch Bunch” Worth My Time?

Jun 3, 2024 | Articles, LeTip's Blog

Hi! Maria, here. Director of Member Services & Implementation for LeTip. Recently, I was talking to a new LeTip member, going over ways to make the most out of their LeTip membership. We started discussing the various national calls when they asked, “Is Lunch Bunch worth my time?” Without hesitation, I heard myself say, “ABSOLUTELY,” as I smiled thinking about how those Lunch Bunch calls have elevated my own LeTip experience. I can go on about this topic, but I would rather you hear this from LeTip family members. I reached out to a few of those Lunch Bunch regulars and got their take on making time for it and why it’s so important to them:

Mandy Bianchi
Bianchi Productions
Event Planner, LeTip of Calabasas, CA

“Lunch Bunch: a mythical group of LeTip members I had only heard about until I started joining the weekly calls in early January 2024. After my first experience, I added this standing call to my calendar so I wouldn’t miss it, and I’m so glad I did!

Besides being an amazing resource for solo and entrepreneurs, Lunch Bunch is a great way to open up your network of clients if you run a business that can operate nationally. For instance, as an event planner, I work on corporate, social and branding events all around the country. Lunch Bunch has given me access to clients up and down both coasts, as well as most major markets in the north, south, and middle of the country.

While passing business is of course the main priority of Le Tip, the additional support in running a business (on top of an extended network of potential clients) that Lunch Bunch offers is invaluable. By acting as a think tank of sorts, this group of like-minded, motivated professionals can share stories of their wins and losses, and lessons learned, so others in the group can skip over those pain points. This allows us the ability to learn from others and gain new insights that we may not have been exposed to otherwise.

All in all, lunch bunch is an extremely valuable asset that LeTip offers, and I encourage each member to visit for yourself, I guarantee you’ll see the value. Thank you to LeTip International’s VP, Paul Della Valle, for creating and nurturing this amazing community. Lunch Bunch, 1,000% worth it!”

Nancy Gusman
Brick House Consulting Services, LLC
Business Consultant, LeTip of Chevy Chase, MD

“When you join a LeTip Chapter, you are getting so much more than a group of local individuals to build relationships with and share business. You get a state and a national network of individuals and businesses to build relationships with and share business. What is the best way to access that national network? Join the weekly and monthly national zoom calls and get to know the members nationwide. Being someone who attends as many national calls as possible, I have done business with quite a number of LeTip members across the country and have made so many connections that will lead to even more business opportunities for me. This was only cemented when I attended the Convention in Las Vegas and met people in person with whom I had been meeting virtually for years.

Bottom line – don’t forget your LeTip International global network!”

Matthew Peters
Weed Man of Bucks and Montgomery Counties
Landscape Maintenance, LeTip of Lower Bucks, PA

“Over the years, I’ve participated in numerous networking events, but one of the standout experiences has been with the LeTip International Lunch Bunch calls. Since 2020, these Zoom calls have provided me not just a platform for networking, but a super unique, and engaging experience that diverges from typical LeTip networking meetings. These calls are designed as a casual yet structured gathering of professionals from diverse fields, offering a space to connect, share, and support each other’s business endeavors. The format is virtual, which removes geographical barriers and allows participation from a wide array of professionals.

Beyond mere business transactions, these calls foster a community of support. Being able to discuss challenges and receive advice or encouragement from peers who might have faced similar issues is incredibly valuable. Some people on the calls refer to it as their “mid-week watering hole.” One of the most stimulating aspects of these calls is the exchange of ideas. Whether it’s innovative marketing strategies or tips on customer engagement, I’ve gathered numerous insights that have significantly shaped my business practices.

The environment is less about stiff formalities and more about fostering genuine connections. This setup encourages participants to be themselves, making it easier to communicate openly and build trust. Moreover, the calls are very well-organized, ensuring that everyone gets a moment to showcase their business and needs. This organized approach combined with a casual atmosphere strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and comfort.

LeTip International Lunch Bunch calls have been more than just a networking opportunity; they’ve been a growth platform. They’ve helped me expand my business, enhanced my social media presence, and provided a robust support system. For anyone looking to enhance their networking experience while having fun, I highly recommend giving these calls a try. You might just find the novelty and effectiveness of these interactions as rewarding as I have.”

Take a moment to put lunch bunch on your calendar! Please join us for a virtual lunch (or brunch) and spend time with friends and make new connections.

You don’t have to stay for the whole call, but of course are welcome to:
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT / 11 AM CT – 12:30 PM CT / 12 PM ET – 1:30 PM ET
Zoom Link:

I look forward to seeing you on our Lunch Bunch calls!

-Maria Diaz
Director of Member Services & Implementation
LeTip International, Inc.