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Build Trust Through Consistent Outreach

Jul 10, 2023 | Articles, Networking Tips

It’s unlikely that any of us went into business to promote our business. We went into business because we have a great product to offer or trained expertise in a specific field. We’re so busy managing the day-to-day aspects of our business that things like messaging and promotion always seem to fall to the bottom of the to-do list and never really get crossed off.

You might ask, why is messaging so important anyway? Why can’t I just do my job well and let word of mouth take care of the rest? The answer is really simple: that’s just not how customers shop.

When a potential client is shopping around for services, where do they turn? Most clients do their due diligence and will look at two key places before deciding to do business with an unfamiliar person or company. Those two places are their website and their social media platforms.

If a company doesn’t have any real digital footprint, it sends up a major red flag for potential clients. If a website has outdated information posted, there goes the red flag again. If social media pages haven’t been active in months, or sometimes even years, that’s another big red flag.

And there goes that potential client, moving on to your competitor who has a more visible online presence because they know the importance of being a vocal advocate for their own work.

With any relationship, communication builds trust. That’s what outreach is. Whether it’s through regular social media posts advertising your services, a monthly blog that showcases your expertise, or a quarterly newsletter detailing all that’s new and exciting within your company or industry, consistent communication is what builds trust with both existing and potential clients.

Social media. Blogs. Newsletters. This all sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, it is, but now that you know the importance of consistent messaging and outreach, you can turn to our trusted LeTip network and connect with someone who can take all this off your plate for you. You can get back to the work you actually enjoy, knowing that your messaging is being heard loud and clear.

-Guest Blog By Amy Masgay,
Founder and CEO of Noteworthy Communications, LLC
LeTip of Central Bucks