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Power Partners: Attorneys

May 1, 2023 | Articles, Networking Tips

Back in February we shared that we would be shedding some light on some of the more popular power partnerships throughout our LeTip family. Let’s review what a power partnership is. Within LeTip, Power Partners are defined as “businesspeople whose professional connections intertwine with yours.” As you network, you may find members in categories that are a synergistic match with your own – members that can easily tip you by the nature of what they do. Those members are your Power Partners.

To identify your Power Partners, list all the businesses or professionals who:
• are already your customers
• you want to be your customers
• are your suppliers
• are in a related industry and provide complementary services or products
• can help you offer greater value to your customer’s needs

Let’s examine attorney categories and the power partnerships that can be developed within our chapters. We spoke with several attorneys in our LeTip family to get their point of view:

Steve Fink, from the LeTip of Orange County, CA, hold the Attorney – Business category. He said, “I am part of several attorney related power partnerships.  They have expanded my business greatly over the last 22 years.  I have been introduced to dozens of real estate agents and contractors, from whom I receive business in the areas on contracts, business litigation and corporate formation.” We asked him what categories he works best with and he said, “I have a real estate power partnership with our real estate broker, our mortgage broker, our notary and our former title representative.  I also have a power partner relationship with our CPA, bookkeeper, and Insurance broker.  Finally, I am in a power partner relationship with our present contractors as well as our former contractors.” Steve added that he would love to have a family law attorney and an estate planning attorney join his chapter.

Over in the LeTip of North Jersey Virtual Chapter, the Attorney – Litigation category is filled by newer LeTip member, Christian Oehm. He feels that realtors, accountants, insurance providers, and anyone who works with business clients who may need an attorney would work as good power partnerships for him.
In the LeTip of Camelback Corridor, AZ, Howard Snader holds the seat for Attorney – Family Law.  Howard shared, “I have been in LeTip for some time. The first several years I was the criminal attorney.  At that time, my power partners were the family law matter and immigration. Now, I am the family law attorney for the chapter. I can receive tips from anyone.” When it comes to attorney related power partnership categories that he would like to see join the chapter, Howard mentioned the following categories: social media, marketing, property valuation, and psychologist/mental health professional.

Michael Horn, in the Attorney – Business category from the LeTip of Paramus chapter in NJ, said that he has partnered with other attorneys in his chapter. “Often, transactional attorneys will refer litigation within the chapter, and vice versa,” he said. Mike added that accountants and insurance brokers are, generally, good referral sources in the chapter, as well; and a few times a year, he gets referrals from other categories in the chapter.

Is your chapter growth-focused? When you prospect for new members, go to your Power Partners first. By bringing them into your chapter, you create a natural flow from which to give and receive Tips. Keep in mind those categories that may be great additions to your current power partner groups.