“Dollars In Your Pocket!”™ might not mean anything without Safety at the Workplace…
When I ask you if implementing a safety culture is your number one objective at your company, your answer is probably “NO”. It probably doesn’t even fit into your top 10 priorities this week. But, if I ask you if you would rather have one of your employees hurt on the job or not make an extra $1,000 this month, you would most certainly say “I want to keep my employees safe above all else”.
How can we mingle those two ideas together? Read on…
First, if it’s not important to you (the boss), then it’s not important to your employees. Leadership only occurs in areas where you are leading.
Second, a good safety program doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming.
Finally, everyone has to be on board and not just once per year at a training session.
Here is a checklist you can go through with fellow LeTip members:
1. Make sure your business meets the legal requirements – talk with one of our member attorneys.
2. Find the workplace safety requirements that apply to you.
a. If you don’t think any do, you have not thought through safety (preventing workplace falls, safe driving habits, extension cord placement, fixing the stuck printer/copier, spring cleaning, preparing for in climate weather, staying hydrated, https://amtrustfinancial.com/blog/loss-control/22-tips-for-worker-safety
3. Take advantage of free training programs set up by the SBA and OSHA
Let me share with you some resources that can get you started:
OSHA Small Business Safety and Health Handbook – This document includes ideas on how to get started, implementation checklists and self-inspection checklists
OSHA Construction Videos – These videos show how to prevent workplace injuries or deaths on construction sites