With twelve years of experience, LeTip of Kelso, WA showed great growth in 2019. They ended 2018 with 22 members and are now up to 35. With strong tenured members such as Dr. Steve Pond, 11-year member, they have been able to build momentum for growth and continue to build the momentum by expecting more new members in the first quarter of 2020. LeTip of Kelso members put emphasis on online tipping this year to be able to better track revenue and seat values. They have over 3,000 tips entered into Wired this year and are moving more to the Wired App for tipping with 27% of Q4 Tips being passed through the Mobile App. Their 2019-chapter tip revenue is $1,527,112 so far!
LeTip of Kelso’s President, Vic Guzman in the Landscape Design category, passed 414 inside tips in 2019 totaling almost $800,000. Chapter Banker, Andrea Gebhardt took the spot for their Top Outside Tipper totaling 57 inside, and 238 outside tips. How did she do it? “Tip Farming” she gives her employees lists of LeTip members and their categories so she can contact them when their services are needed. The most popular categories requested are contractors, so the chapter is working on filling the rest of the contractor seats opened. The contractor painter seat is worth an estimated $50,000! LeTip member, Jodi Snedden stays busy at her coffee shop, Red Leaf Organic Coffee, receiving 10-12 tips a day! Retail Coffee is one of our Unique Categories and has been a great success within this chapter. Do you know a local coffee shop owner who is looking to put more Dollars in Their Pockets? Be sure to invite them to a local LeTip Chapter meeting!
With new features coming in 2020 for the Wired Mobile App, we are sure that LeTip of Kelso will be doing even more outside business in 2020. Keep up the great work and watch for announcements about the LeTip Wired Mobile App!