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Network Training Seminars

Jan 10, 2020 | Articles, News & Announcements

Live Video Online Network Training Seminars are for LeTip members and guests alike, whether you are a new member wanting to learn how to be a better networker or an old member needing a refresher course, or a guest who is thinking about joining LeTip. Open to the public. Click on the button below for a list of upcoming White Badge Trainings and to sign up / register online.

Please Note: Trainings are scheduled manually one by one to set up the appropriate online video call invitation emails, in the event that you register 48 hours of the scheduled event we cannot guarantee enough time for us to complete that process. If you attempt to register within 24 hours of the event, we will not have enough time to complete that process, you will miss the training, and you will receive a contact follow-up. LeTip Network Training Seminars are open to the public.