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2019 Photo & Video Contest Winners

Nov 26, 2019 | Articles, Awards & Accolades, Events & Trainings, News

Thank you to all who have participated in LeTip’s very first Photo & Video Contest!
All of the winners received their choice of either $100 cash or a free renewal.

Here are the winners:

LeTip of Boca Raton, FL – Adam Cooper

(Winner of 2019 Best Photo)

LeTip of Sacramento, CA – Charles McDonald

LeTip of Cherry Hill, NJ – Howard Kanowitz

LeTip of Cherry Hill, NJ – Peter Zales

LeTip of Calabasas, CA – Tamara Santana

(We received one video, but it was not submitted by a current LeTip member)

Make sure you watch out for next year’s Photo & Video contest!