As a financial advisor finding a networking group is always elusive, let alone a good one. Fortunately, I stumbled into a lunch meeting back in 2012. With a quick back and forth, the invitation was made, and I attended the next two meetings becoming completely hooked. The people were great, the structure was relatable, and the marketing dollars made sense. It’s now been 6 wonderful years, serving as chapter President for the past 3. Without a doubt my business has absolutely grown as a result, but equally beneficial are the relationships made. Some of the members have become more like family, people I care about both professionally and personally. It’s hard to imagine my practice without LeTip. In 2018 I saw a 59% increase in overall business. Most of that growth came from previous LeTip referrals, who then referred me to others. If you put in the effort, have the patience and apply the golden rule, you will find exponential success.
Pictured: Steven Boyd with wife, Holly Boyd, and twin daughters Bristol and Brighton.
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