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LeTip of Idaho Falls, ID

Jan 21, 2019 | Articles, Featured Chapter

LeTip of Idaho Falls, ID was founded January 20th in 2004 which as of yesterday marks their 15th year anniversary as a LeTip Chapter. LeTip of Idaho Falls is currently the sole chapter in the state of Idaho with 17 members.

Current Chapter President Jessica Baird has been with the chapter nearly 10 years coming up this February, and is in the Insurance Commercial category. She previously held a Tipmaster position in 2011. Jill Magleby is the most recent Past President, and Nate Blanchard is the Chapter’s Vice President. Also filling board positions within the chapter are David Parker, John Robinson, Joshua Searle, and Sherree Schell.

We appreciate their dedication to LeTip with 15 years as a chapter, and also hope that LeTip can continue to grow in the great state of Idaho in the future.