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LeTip of Las Vegas – 25 Years Strong!

Oct 25, 2018 | Archive, Articles, Featured Chapter

(Pictured above, Chapter President Robert Bridel welcoming Sidney Wilson into their chapter in the Home Healthcare Category)

LeTip of Las Vegas just celebrated their 25th anniversary. The chapter was founded in September of 1993, and one of the most established chapters in the region. This chapter has two, twenty-two-year members – Dan Rutz, a silver badge holder, mentor chair, and William Levy, a blue badge holder, chapter inspector and ethics chair. These long-time members help establish a grounded core for the chapter.

LeTip of Las Vegas has implemented a contest for best showboat table. Robert Bridel, Chapter President, says they created the Showboat table contest with the goal of inspiring members to improve their showboat skills. Phyllis Palmer, Vice President, takes a picture of each showboat table weekly, and the board votes quarterly based on the pictures. They will have their first winner this quarter and a $100 cash prize will be awarded. This has encouraged members to think outside of the box and create some fun within the chapter. The criteria the showboat tables are judged upon are; attractiveness, delivery of branding message, and uniqueness. Stay tuned to see who the winner of their contest will be!

(Cindy Trussel, Non Profit Category & Sidney Wilson, Home Healthcare Category)

(Robert Bridel, Travel Category)