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Linda Detore

Apr 13, 2017 | Archive, Articles, Member Spotlight

After 15 years of board leadership in LeTip Freehold, I will be stepping down to allow other members to participate. I would like to take a moment today to thank all of you for allowing me the privilege to serve as president of the LeTip Freehold chapter for the past 5 years and to previously serve on the membership board for another 10 years. During this time, I have been lucky enough to witness the growth of our group from 60 members to a little over 114! That’s something we can all be proud of.

Managing a group of this size is similar to running a large corporation. We need leaders with strong core values such as Integrity, Loyalty, Passion, Commitment, Accountability and Excellence. Holding a board position is a tough job that takes selfless dedication and commitment without the expectations of praise.

Over the years, people may not have always agreed with the way I have implemented change and enforced regulations, but I believed in myself,  all of our members, the LeTip structure and the vision of our group to make the necessary adjustments.

Because of this, we are who we are today. All of us are able to work as one toward the common goal of helping each other cultivate business opportunity, learn from each failure, retain and build on each success, and plan for future growth of our livelihoods.

Our group’s diversity is what defines us. We have a diverse group of professionals with a wide variety of expertise. The many years of experience, wisdom, and knowledge we have the ability to share makes us second to none and is the reason why everyone wants to be part of our family.

Thank you for letting me serve and I look forward to continued success by helping other LeTip chapters grow.