LeTip International would like you to know we are thinking about YOU, YOUR MEMBERSHIP and YOUR CHAPTER.
This week’s TIP of the Week is… PUTTING “DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET!™”
We all want to make more money!
We all want BIGGER stronger LeTip chapters…
Let’s take advantage of my FIRST official act as the LeTip President and make as many $50 bills as you can by bringing a NEW member to ANY LeTip Chapter.
The Summer Splash was extended to November 30th.
We all want to GROW… We know if we have more members in our group we should all be getting more tips and putting more dollars in our pockets. The bigger stronger groups are making more money because they have more options!
If you are a white badge member, YOU agreed to bring in a new member in your first year! Let’s keep that promise. Let’s grow our groups! Let’s POCKET unlimited $50 bills between TODAY and November 30th, 2015.
If you are ANY color badge, let’s face it… LeTip is good for many of our friends, family colleagues and clients… Let’s get them signed up before the end of November and take advantage of the UNLIMITED $50 bills being offered by LeTip International between today and November 30th, 2015!
If you need help with language for inviting guests please call me,
I will make sure you have the script I used to help grow my chapter from
17-78 in three years’ time and earn my GOLD BADGE!