What Makes LeTip the Best Networking Group? Is Still The Best

Over 5,000 business owners and managers have reaped the rewards of LeTip membership, expanding their sales team, increasing revenue & building their brand.

Stronger Business Relationships

LeTip business networking group chapter members spend time learning about each other’s business, powering their ability to make better referrals. By becoming well versed in each other’s industries, they can make higher-quality referrals. These high-level tips turn our local business referral network chapters into powerful, knowledge and result driven sales forces.

Grow Your Revenue

Our unique business networking model builds stronger, more qualified business leads. Members are committed to passing tips to each other every month. The value of each tip can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars and has put hundreds of millions of dollars in the pockets of member businesses.

Competition Free Environment

LeTip is a business networking group for businesses of all shapes, sizes, and industries. From dog walkers to data recovery and accounting to yoga instruction, LeTip has the perfect place for your business in one of our more than 400 business categories. Once you’ve joined in your category, no one else in the chapter can occupy that category.

Form Ties That Bind

Our unique professional business networking group model is based on building, sustaining, and supporting strong relationships between businesspeople. LeTip members form a close-knit family of non-competing businesses.

Strength In Numbers

Members in LeTip Chapters represent all major industries including Healthcare, Home Services, Construction, Technology, Transportation, Financial, Insurance, Manufacturing, Marketing and Retail. With chapters ranging from 25 to 100 members, this translates into powerful business partnerships beyond your own industry.

The Power of Giving

Best of all, success in LeTip is seeded on an underlying philosophy of giving first in order to receive. LeTip builds more than just strong business relationships. Our business networking group cultivates friendships that last a lifetime.

Networking Powered by Technology

All our members have 24/7 access to LeTip Wired, advanced business networking technology that powers stronger business partnerships. Wired is our business referral network’s go-to resource for tipping members, receiving tips, inviting guests, and getting the word out about your products and services.

Powerful Partnerships

Membership in a local LeTip chapter will help you build powerful strategic relationships within your industry, as well as introducing your products and services to professionals in other major industries.

Connect with a Local Chapter

Connect with a local chapter!

Are you ready to connect with a local LeTip chapter near you to expand your sales force and receive high quality business leads? Click the Find A Chapter button and get ready to network, refer and grow!